2 Common Login Problems Custom Business Software Solves | Modest Software Development

2 Common Login Problems Custom Business Software Solves

Business management software comes in many, many flavors. There is something for everyone. The big challenge is finding an off-the-shelf solution that works well for your organization without requiring workarounds. Speaking of workarounds, two that we are frequently challenged to address are directly related to logging into business software.

Here they are:

  1. Sharing logins to avoid paying for additional seats; and
  2. Not providing login credentials to some employees in order to control data access.

Both are workarounds to off-the-shelf software that make life more difficult than it needs to be. Custom business software is the solution. When Modest builds your software on top of our customized business software platform, the login issues go away.

Sharing Logins Among Employees

When it comes to sharing logins to avoid paying for additional seats, we get it. Software licenses can be prohibitively expensive, especially when vendors charge for every seat instead of offering a more economical group license.

Unfortunately, sharing logins is risky. Software developers do have the legal right to license their software as they see fit. They also have the right to enforce said licenses. Being found out of compliance can get very expensive very quickly.

We Don’t Charge for Extra Seats

Here at Modest, we don’t charge for extra seats. We work out a price that both we and the client feel is fair. After that, extra users are welcomed with open arms and at no additional charge. You can have as many seats as you want. You can have as many as you need to ensure that all the work gets done. You will not pay a dime extra.

We believe there is a better way to develop and offer business software. A big part of what we do involves not nickel and diming customers to death through licensing fee structures. When we say you don’t pay for extra seats, that’s exactly what we mean.

Not Providing Login Credentials

Not providing credentials to certain employees in order to prevent data access is another common practice we fully understand. Data is sensitive. It needs to be protected at all costs. But not giving employees credentials only prevents them from participating in the workflow. It could mean extra work for those employees who do have credentials.

It turns out there is a better way to do things. How? We can approach business software security from a permissions-based mindset that limits access to data based on need. We can assign access controls to your entire database as well as your applications. Then we can assign each user a role. Users only have access to data and applications their roles call for.

It Doesn’t Have to Be All or Nothing

Business software security doesn’t have to be an all or nothing deal. It is not like you need to throw open the doors to everyone or lock out the entire world completely. Through the judicious application of permissions and roles, access to both data and applications can be tightly controlled. Everyone on your team can be given login credentials without sacrificing security.

Off-the-shelf business software works well for a small number of businesses. But truth be told, most businesses would be better off with custom management software. Software customization solves plenty of problems including sharing logins to avoid additional licenses and locking some people out in order to control data access.

If you are not convinced, give the Modest team the opportunity to show you exactly how all this works. We would relish the opportunity to try to convince you that our custom business management software can solve your organization’s login problems.

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